Very, Very Drunk 19th April 2006

Last night I went out for several drinks on London Road. The walk home from there is about one or two miles, and this morning I discovered that I had semi-consciously taken almost 200 photos as I stumbled back uphill. I remember very little about taking them (I was, you see, very, very drunk). However they were all taken with "open flash" (i.e. a long exposure of around 1 second, during which time the flash fired for 1/125 of a second).

One thing I do remember is that I was fascinated by the possibility of blowing a cloud of spit into the air and then instantaneously catching it in the camera's flashlight. Hmmm.

Plants in barrels Cloud of spit Streaky light Street cones Light trails
Ars longa vita brevis Branch and cone Holly Pastel flowers The perfect-shaped tree
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