Pussycat, Pussycat, where have you been?
I've been up to London to visit the Queen,
the pigeons, the pictures, the buskers....


Your Queen needs YOU!

11th October 1998

Took Rowan for the usual unusual Sunday trip out

Rowan and David at Buckingham Palace
David came with us. Our first stop was Buckingham palace. We didn't manage to see "The Queen with the black teeth", just lots of statues and tourists.

Rowan feeding the pigeons
Next stop, Trafalgar Square. Feeding the pigeons is getting to become something of a ritual. It's fun, as long as you can keep them out of your hair.

Jesus sitting downA person
At the National Gallery, Rowan made use of her new sketch book. We didn't get as far as the mediaeval paintings, my favourites, so we had to make do with heavy realist pictures like these two Rowan made sketches of.

Next we went to the National Portrait Gallery. The Gerald Scarfe exhibition was smaller than I'd expected, and very crowded. Rowan loved the model of William Hague as a schoolboy.

Rockabilly jive
Our final stop was in Covent Garden, to watch the buskers. Watched these Rockabillies playing, and it reminded me how much I used to love this kind of music until I became something of a musical snob. Must be about time for a psychobilly revival!!! Shame they didn't play Folsome Prison Blues.

I'm off home to listen to my old Cramps collection.....



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